SBIR/STTR Phase II Matching Grants

Expires: July 20, 2024

Matching Grants for SBIR/STTR Phase II

The federal Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) Programs represent the largest source of early-stage, high-risk technology financing in the United States. Eleven federal agencies participate in this program which provides funding for early-stage research and development projects leading to the commercialization of resulting products or services. The programs are designed to benefit entrepreneurs and small businesses — while increasing the competitiveness of the U.S. economy — by funding the development of innovative products and services.

The IRISBF provides matching grants of up to $100,000 to assist recipients of SBIR/STTR Phase II awards to commercialize their innovations.

How to Apply for SBIR/STTR Phase II Matching Grants

Eligible Rhode Island companies that have received an SBIR/STTR Phase II award contract by July 20, 2024 are invited to apply. Applications should be submitted through the online submission tool below. You must have a STAC Profile to submit grant applications through the online submission tool. If the amount of the funding requested exceeds the amount of funding available a lottery will be conducted.


For more information, contact Kaleena Harrington at or 401-278-9122.


Responses are due by July 20, 2024 at 11:45 PM ET

Submissions are timestamped at the end of the response process, which includes the time it takes to upload your files and verify that all data fields are complete. Submissions that are timestamped after the deadline will be invalid.

Applicant must log in to submit application

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